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Schiller, Michael

Oct 05, 2018
Year-End Tax Planning Strategies
As you try to navigate the busy months until year end, financial planning may not be top of mind. However, now is an ideal time to take advantage of tax savings strategies before we are ringing in 2019.
Oct 05, 2018
May 17, 2016
Should I Loan My Child Money for a Down Payment on a House?
For a lot of young people today, it's difficult to purchase a home without at least some financial assistance. As a result, many young adults turn to their parents or other family members for help with a down payment.
May 17, 2016
Feb 01, 2016
Social Security Changes in 2016
Social Security claiming strategies have been a key financial topic in recent years, especially as Baby Boomers are planning for and entering into Retirement. As part of the Congressional Budget deal just struck in October by House Republicans and President Obama, two key Social Security claiming strategies have been closed, ending two income-bolstering approaches that benefited married (and divorced) couples, and in some cases their dependents.
Feb 01, 2016
Jun 24, 2015
Saving or Investing: Is There a Difference?

Financially speaking, the terms "saving" and "investing" are often used interchangeably. But the concepts behind these terms actually have some important differences. Understanding these differences and taking advantage of them may help you in working toward financial goals for you

Jun 24, 2015
Feb 25, 2014
What Should You Do With Extra Cash?

Whether it’s a bonus, a tax refund, or a large check from Aunt Sally, extra cash can make a difference in your fi nances. So it’s important to think carefully about how you’re going to use it.  If you have

Feb 25, 2014
Aug 06, 2012
A Financial Action Plan for the Future

In 1955, the life expectancy of the average American was 69.6 years. By 1995, it was 75.8 years. Twelve years later, life expectancy reached a new high of 77.9 years, according to the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While certainly positive, these statistics may only add to the pressure many people already feel about their lack of retirement savings.


Aug 06, 2012
Jun 16, 2011
Looking Beyond the Headlines

Looking Beyond the Headlines - We have all heard about the stock market’s “Lost Decade,” and the nightly news likes to tell us whenever possible if there is bad news in relation to the stock market. Natural disasters, conflict in

Jun 16, 2011
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